Monday, December 15, 2008

Turkey Day in Toronto, Eh?

Lake Ontario from Beaches in Toronto, Ontario.

There's nothing more patriotic than spending Thanksgiving in Canada. And I'm not talking about the Canadian Thanksgiving our northern friends celebrate in October. For those of you who were wondering why I didn't take any new Macy's parade photos this year, I didn't have a zoom lens long enough to capture the details all the way from Toronto!

And instead of taking the typical Canadian National Tower photos you would come to expect from a trip to Toronto (wait, I did take at least one photo above), I found myself drawn more to the local flavor of eastern Toronto, including a great little barber shop for kids called Little Tots Hair Shop. It was Sunday morning and our hosts were taking their twin boys for haircuts when I captured this great "in action" photo.

It's been a long time since I've gotten a haircut myself (as you can imagine--see profile photo) and I have to admit, I was a bit envious of the cool "souped up" barber chairs designed as a race car, a boat, and a fire engine. Before and/or after kids get their hair cut, they can check out an entire wall full of great toys and games to play. And even before the last speck of talcum powder was dusted off, the twins dove into an enchanting "Ballroom at the Bottom of the Sea" ball pen. Check out photos of Little Tots on their Web site. It may be cliche, but it made me want to be a kid again...or at least want to grow some hair!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog! I've left you a "One Lovely Blog Award" on my blog. Keep it coming!!
